Saturday, May 16, 2015

Robert Evan "A Stick Situation" Commentary

I am in complete agreeance with my classmate Madeline Shapland in the decision to legalize marijuana. When marijuana was first legalized for recreational use in Colorado it was said that Recreational Dispensaries were estimated to ring up a whopping 925 million in sales and 51 million in tax revenue. With that much money Texas could much more money invested into its Oh so proud reputation of having the highest number of executions. 

But not only is marijuana economically better to legalize but it seems much the upcoming generations have a different view then their elder counterparts. With a current increase in the amount of people who are leaning to legalizing marijuana. A new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana, while 44% are opposed. As recently as 2006, just 32% supported marijuana legalization, while nearly twice as many (60%) were opposed.

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