Monday, February 9, 2015

Students for Sensible Drug Policy push for progressive legislation

Natalie Cerna and Stephanie Hamborsky members of the Sensible Drug Policy in Texas seek to educate students on the governments War On Drugs, beginning each discussion with myths, facts, racial objectivity, harm reduction, and social stigmas.
Stephanie Hamborsky the clubs president stated, “It’s unscientific, and a lot of it is based off of social stigma. Because we are demonizing these drugs, we are rejecting the idea of drug education, which gives the misrepresented idea about drugs, facilitating the increase rates of addiction." The clubs Vice President Andrew Hood also stated that the group does not advocate the use of drugs but more on how to employ policies that will keep the community safe such as the Medical Amnesty Policy.
The members of the Sensible Drug Policy intend to lobby, pair with larger groups such as the Texas NORML, hold letter writing campaigns, hold fundraisers, and bring educational speakers like Brad Burge who works for a drug research group.

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