Friday, March 27, 2015

4 (black) Cops Killed In 7 Days---- Where's The Outrage?

by Larry Elder

My main problem with Mr. Elders discussion by his title he seems to be expecting some kind of outrage from American citizens to riot and fill the streets with signs, protestors, and rage over the deaths of these 4 (black) cops that have recently passed. Although, I understand his anger these police officers enlisted knowing the risks of the job they were enlisting in well before actually becoming registered officers. The reason there is no outrage, the reason the nation is not in an uproar over the 4African American police officers is simply because they understood the risks of the job. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin African American citizens that did not know they were going to die that day. That left their houses believing nothing would go wrong and they would return to there families, who had no lethal weapons on them at any all but were killed in cold blood.

Mr. Elders even has the audacity, "Last year, according to the nonprofit National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 126 federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officers died in the line of duty in 2014 — although some deaths were attributed to health problems or traffic accidents. Fifty officers were killed by firearms, 15 of them in ambush attacks."
Also including deaths that were caused by accidents and health problems. But in total actually killed by firearms is stated 50 compared to "The FBI’s stats show that in all of 2013 there were 461 people killed by cops, but when using the new site, which only shows from May 1 to Dec. 31, 2013, police actually killed 748 people. Keep in mind, 748 is drastically more than the feds claim police killed the entire year but only accounts for 8 months of 2013.
The site shows 2014’s total number killed by police to be at 1,029 with a few weeks left in the year." Greatly outweighing the number of officers killed, but to add Mr. elders claim every cop undergoes standard training in which they are trained to disarm armed suspects so my question is why are there so many civilians deaths?